Friday, January 25, 2013

Party in Encinitas

So here comes some more pics from the last week of 2012. We went to a party in Encinitas, where you were supposed to dress up as yourself as a kid, and bring the picture from when you were little with you. We went to a thrift store in San Diego, and I found the perfect outfit, even though it's not very flattering. Mattias even made a fanny pack out of his toilet bag, which was a pretty convenient place to put the camera. Maybe we should make it trendy again? Or not.

My cousin Amanda was dressed like when she was a bridesmaid at my parent's wedding. I remember always being so jealous of her because she was in their wedding photo, and not me. Somehow it didn't occur to me that I didn't exist back then, haha.

 The party was really fun, and a lot of people had managed to get really good outfits. As you can see, there was even a guy in a diaper on the dance floor. Why not?

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